Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Effect of Partial Light Occlusion on Bacteria Development in Winogradsky Columns (Original Proposal)

Brooklyn College of the City University of New York
Department of Biology
Bio 1001 Lab
Instructor: Kwame McCartney
Laboratory Project Presentation Proposal
Due: Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Group members:        1. Adelina Bikmukhametova
2. Frank Copeli                                                                      
3.  Levent
4. Solomon Barrah
Presentation title: The Effect of Partial Light Occlusion on Bacteria Development in  Winogradsky Columns

Location: Prospect Park Lake

Scientific relevance: The Winogradsky Column creates a diverse microorganism environment with a sulfur-oxygen gradient as well as a gradient of anaerobic and aerobic organisms . The occlusion of light on different sections of the column will illustrate the effect of light deprivation on the development of autotrophic layers and on the creation of a viable oxygen sulfur gradient.

Presentation resources: Various university websites that describe ideal Winogradsky methods and procedures. The following description of pond ecosystems is very useful.

Visual component: Posterboard describing Oxygen-hydrogen sulfide gradients, idealized winogradsky columns and experimentally observed winogradsky columns with light occlusions.

Application of scientific method:  The independent variable will be the deprivation of light in certain sections of the columns. One column will be deprived of sunlight near the top of the Winogradsky column, where the aerobic microorganisms develop. Another column will be deprived of sunlight in the section where the anaerobic microorganisms develop.   The dependent variables will be the development of the various microorganism layers in response to light deprivation. A control column will also be created where no sunlight deprivation will occur. The columns will all be produced using the same body of water, its soil, and identical sources of carbon and sulfur.

Take home messages: To understand the oxygen-hydrogen sulfide, aerobic/anaerobic gradient, how it is developed, and sunlight’s role in its development.

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