Listed With Our Final Project Posterboard
Light occlusions were placed in strategic locations on three different Winogradsky columns composed of the same materials. They were hypothesized to disrupt the development of the oxygen-hydrogen sulfide and aerobic-anaerobic gradients of the column in the area of the occlusion and in the layers unoccluded. The result of eight weeks of bacterial development showed that the site of occlusion showed the most dramatic effects, halting the bacterial development of phototrophic bacteria and promoting the growth of obligate anaerobic bacteria depending on the site of the occlusion.
The hypothesis was that light occlusion should have marked effects on the development of the hydrogen-sulfide/oxygen and aerobic/anaerobic gradients of the column. In particular, the top occlusion was expected to create a more abundant levels of sulfuric anearobes and sulfuric aerobes and a reduced aerobic bacteria layer. The middle occlusion was expected to disrupt the development of the sulfur based bacteria and non-sulfur based (purple-s bacteria, green s bacteria, and purple non-S bacteria, respectively) as well as the aerobic layers at the top of the column.
The bottom occlusion was hypothesized not to effect the development of the other layers mainly because the bottom layer does not require sunlight to develop effectively, much like the bottom of the pond at Prospect Park, the source of our dirt and water.
Top Occlusion: The occlusion termed “top” saw no significant bacterial development in the area covered by the light occlusion. The phototrophic aerobic layer developed above it and the area covered by the occlusion was in an underdeveloped state of bacterial development comprised of water and organic matter. Note this layer of undeveloped bacteria matched the dimensions of the occlusion. The layer resembled the appearance of the columns several days after they were created. A very small rim of Green Sulfur Bacteria was detected above and below the area of the occlusion, suggesting that a larger amount of Hydrogen sulfide was available higher up in the column than in a non-occluded column.
Middle Occlusion: The occlusion termed “middle” blocked the normal development of Purple Non-S bacteria and created a gap between Purple Non-S bacteria and Purple S Bacteria which developed under the occlusion. The Purple Non-S layer was far smaller than in the control as a result of the occlusion. Green Sulfur Bacteria was also not produced in this column. The area covered by the occlusion produced a mud-colored layer. It can be safely assumed that there was a greater presence of hydrogen sulfide in this gap layer as it was not consumed by the Purple Non-Sulfur bacteria that would have developed in this area.
Bottom Occusion: The occlusion termed “bottom” blocked the development of the phototrophic Purple Non-S Bacteria as it occurred in the control column and bolstered the development of the obligate anerobic layer. Blocking light allowed these chemotropic bacteria to thrive.
Bacterial development of the phototrophic layers was confirmed by pipetting samples from the top aerobic layer and the Purple Non-S layer. Bacteria indigenous to this layer were then identified with a compound light microscope. The presence of the bacterial layers beneath Purple Non-S can be deduced by the confirmation of the presence of Purple Non-S bacteria. H2S would need to be present for this layer to exist and therefore the obligate anaerobes must be present to produce this essential compound.
There are a number of practical applications to light occlusions as they disrupt thenormal bacterial development.
One can imagine if there is a desire to increase the anaerobic content of a body of water one can imagine the reduction of light absorption at the top layer of a freshwater pond or river becoming a viable method for spurring such microbial activity. Perhaps a sulfur source can be provided to such a body of water along with the light occlusion, a desired microbial environment could be created. This light deprivation to produce desired bacteria may be useful in bacteria based environmental remediation efforts. Light occlusions may also be used when attemping to create viable ecosytems in artificial bodies of water i.e. for fish farming, etc.
For examble, desulfovibrio has the potential to break down certain metals (Uranium, Chromium, and Iron) and radionucleotides. Clostridium, another anaerobic bacteria that develops in the anaerobic zone is being explored in the treatment of tumors. The bottom occlusion,as performed in this experiment, is a viable means to create a healthy allotment of these obligate anaerobes for the use of research.
Purple Non-S bacteria, along with infra-red light has been shown to breakdown organic material so controlled growth of this useful bacteria may be useful for efforts to reduce accumulations of organic waste in bodies of water.
Light occlusions of the corresponding layers in artificial ponds and natural bodies is not plausible but large scale winogradsky columns with occlusions can be used to create accumulations of desired bacteria for cultures.
Resources: Toxic effects of dissolved heavy metals on Desulfovibrio vulgaris and Desulfovibrio sp. strains.
Department of Chemical Engineering, Food Technology and Environmental Technologies, Faculty of Sciences, University of Cadiz, 11510 Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain.
Combination bacteriolytic therapy for the treatment of experimental tumors
Long H. Dang, Chetan Bettegowda, David L. Huso, Kenneth W. Kinzler, and Bert Vogelstein*
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
As the experiment proceeded, a few errors were identified. Most importantly, the top occlusion did not serve properly as an occlusion of the uppermost phototrophic layer. While the location of the phototrophic layer could not have been predicted, a larger occlusion that blocked the entry of light through the top of the bottle would have gone further in testing the effect of light deprivation on the more oxygenated areas of the column.
BY using plastic containers with a smaller width, the 8 week period would have allowed more pronounced development of bacterial layers, especially Green Sulfuric Bacteria.
Future Experimentation
The results showed promise for using occlusions as a method of producing desired bacteria. However, further experimentation is necessary to develop this method. In a future experiment, a top occlusion that covers the entire top of the column would be used to determine how the deprivation of the topmost phototrophic layer would impact the layers beneath it. This time, to increase the speed of bacterial development, a bottle with a smaller diameter would be used. Furthermore, an attempt would be made to count the bacteria of each layer using volume dilutions.
Another path for further development is to allow Winogradsky columns to develop without any occlusions until all the layers of bacteria become well developed and to then place occlusions and observe there development. Such an experiment would shed light on whether light occlusions can reverse bacterial development--a useful line of inquiry for scientists interested in bioremediation of bodies of water with unbalanced bacterial ecosytems.
Finally, the columns produced for this experiment can be allowed to develop with the occlusions removed.